Saturday, May 23, 2009

Recent Publications

Over the past month or so, I've had a few more pieces accepted for publication. Woo Who?

JAAM (Just Another Art Movement)

This New Zealand annual, out of Wellington, has published a short story of mine. This is my first New Zealand publication and it means a great deal because my partner is a Kiwi and so I hold a soft spot for the land of rolling hills and pinky bars. The 2009 edition is edited by Ingrid Horrocks and will be out this September. Bookmark it.

Toward The Light: Journal of Reflective Word & Image

I'm happy about publishing my short story in this Canadian biannual considering they have previously published a favourite author of mine, Susan Musgrave of Cargo of Orchids fame. You haven't read it? Read it. There's drugs, murder and love. It's what I imagine a South American soap opera to be, but with three dimensional characters.


BLOCK is a biannual out of Canberra. They have kindly accepted my poem Attachment. Issue 8 is being launched June 4th!

[untitled] A Melbourne Writers Magazine

Shrouded in mystery and veiled in a facebook homepage, this brand new writing shindig have published my poem To My Music Man, a little diddy ode to my main Kiwi squeeze and our mutual love for the musical genius of Bon Iver.


A quarterly out of Canada, have published my poem 'Acquiring A Strange Thing' in the 82 edition. Side note: any one entering POP Montreal this year?


LiteraryMinded said...

Congrats on that huge slate of publications!

Amy Jackson said...

Thanks Ange!